
What is Baby Billy BFF?

Pregnancy symptoms come and go

프로필 이미지


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  • 프로필 이미지


    Same for me.. i dont have any pregnancy symptoms until 7 weeks.. mostly only feel tired and sleepy.. starting at 8-10 weeks sometimes i got light nausea but also not everyday and some days got light headache.. now im 13weeks and its no more headache or nausea.. back to only sleepy and little tired but i feel much better than before.. i feel my energy is more than before.. 🫶🏻

    • 프로필 이미지


      This is my second Pregnancy ( my first pregnancy ended up in a blighted ovum miscarriage around 11 weeks ). 1) i did a pregnancy test a week before i missed my period ( third week , which was quite too early to check ) but i ended up with dark two lines, and the results took only 5 seconds which was really odd for such an early week to be testing. 2) i had Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), starts in 4th week, peaking at 5th to 7th week, and reducing symptoms at 8 weeks, up until now ( 15 weeks ). 3) i fainted once or twice during the 5th week. 4) symptoms at it's peak: - extreme nausea ( can't stand the phone screen, cant tolerate any kind of movement ) - extremely light headed ( dizzy, blurry vision, want to black out ) - extremely exhausted, its barely a nap , like i can say i have a nap and then my naps are 2-3 times a day and they're more than 2 hours ( all day all night in bed, can barely get up cause tired of vomiting and probably will vomit again and only get up to use the toilet or shower) - extreme dehydration ( vomiting fluids, can't keep anything down ) - stomach bug ( stomach feel uncomfortable being empty but also uncomfortable being full which sucks ) - extreme depression ( cry for no reason all day all night except when im sleeping, extremely mad about every little thing ) almost being sent to (ER) emergency room but i refused, in the first 4th to 7 week. 5) i was extremely sick ( coughing and flu ) during 7th week. 6) weeks after 7th week, i was still very very nauseous and also vomited fluid, but I didnt vomited as much as every 30 minutes like before, it was such a big relief. I could eat a little and drink fluid a little.

      • 프로필 이미지


        I hope u feel better soon 🫶🏻 now im at 14 weeks and i feel so healthy without any discomfort.. just easily tired~ but its not a big deal.. now starting to enjoy the pregnancy.. i hope u can feel the same too 💗

      • 프로필 이미지


        Good to know!

    • 프로필 이미지


      Thanks for sharing

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